Just Bury Food Scraps Under Your Plants and This Happens

Just Bury Food Scraps Under Your Plants and This Happens

We buried food scraps under our plants in the spring and now it’s time to see how the plants grew and what happened to the food scraps under the plants at the end of the season. NEW ELEVATED RAISED BED! Limited Time Low Price →https://teamgrow.us/collections/elevated-garden-beds VISIT MY AMAZON STOREFRONT FOR PRODUCTS I USE MOST OFTEN IN MY GARDEN → www.amazon.com/shop/thegardeningchannelwithjamesprigioni TimeStamps 00:00 Intro 00:10 Preparing the Food Scraps 00:53 Burying the Food Scraps 01:25 Transplanting the Plants on the Food Scraps 02:07 17 Days after Transplanting 02:53 24 Days after Transplanting 03:25 42 Days after Transplanting 04:20 52 Days after Transplanting 04:40 80 Days after Transplanting 04:59 96 Days after Transplanting 05:43 The First Harvest 07:02 Weighing the Harvest 07:30 104 Days after Transplanting 09:01 The Second Harvest 09:57 165 Days after Transplanting 10:25 The Third Harvest 11:07 Digging up the Food Scraps at the End of the Season 13:38 Was it Worth it to Bury the Food Scraps 15:06 Final Thoughts Credit to : The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni