Building an Off-Grid Modern Home: His Escape from Never-Ending Bills!

Building an Off-Grid Modern Home: His Escape from Never-Ending Bills!

Welcome back to another Liveration episode!
In this video we speak to Paul, who lives in North Devon with his family, in a stunning, self built, Off Grid home.

This amazing, modern looking, Off Grid home sits on 15 acres of land, along with a barn and native woodland.
Paul has built a lifestyle here that is fully off grid, his power comes from the sun, his heat comes from a fire using the trees that he fells from his own land, and water comes from collecting and filtering rain water, and drinking water comes from a spring out of the ground.
He also raises his own animals and grows fruit trees!

Paul stares his story with us, of how he came to living this way from a small ‘chicken coop’ of a house and barely affording the monthly bills.

We also get a full tour of his land and a tour of the outside and the inside of his house.
This house comes with all you’d imagine from a so-called ‘normal’ house.

Credit to : Liveration