10 Cold-Hardy Crops You Can Grow Through the Winter (Grow at -30°F)

10 Cold-Hardy Crops You Can Grow Through the Winter (Grow at -30°F)

Today I share the crops everyone should be growing to provide themselves and their family with fresh homegrown organic food all Winter long! CHECKOUT MY WEBSITE: →https://teamgrow.us VISIT MY AMAZON STOREFRONT FOR PRODUCTS I USE MOST OFTEN IN MY GARDEN → www.amazon.com/shop/thegardeningchannelwithjamesprigioni Timestamps 00:00 Intro 00:30 Kale 01:35 The Importance of Mulch 02:01 Red Veined Sorrel 03:09 Lettuce 03:33 Established Plants VS. Seedlings 04:29 Tatsoi 05:16 Carrots 06:44 Spinach 07:44 Swiss Chard 08:45 Claytonia 09:26 Arugula 10:10 Mustard Greens 11:05 Parsley and Cilantro 12:29 Yukina Savoy 12:58 Mizuna 13:20 Mâche 13:39 The 3 Keys to Growing Through the Winter 14:24 Final Thoughts 15:41 The Garden Covered in Snow Credit to : The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni